Wednesday, June 17, 2009

After that last post, I wasn't really sure where to start with the posting of actual...content. So, I decided to just...write whatever came to mind.(And it just happened to be something I really wanted to write about. :] )

Yesterday, I worked a lot, went to my appointment, worked some more.
I had promised Britt that I would go to the Acton Jazz Cafe this Tuesday, since I missed it last week. She's been telling me about this band that her friend is in. Apparently they're great.
Around 8ish, we go buy tickets(stamps on our hands), then we go to her friend's house where some guys are kicking a ball around and some other people are sitting on a porch-deck-thing. Britt and I join the guys, along with her boyfriend. She introduces me as her sister. We kick the ball around for an hour. We head over to the Cafe place around nine. It's full. The guy(aka:Doug, the door-man) says to come back in 45, when the band is done. So we walk home. It's five minutes away. We eat something, listen to some random music.
We head back, find seats. First up is the house poet. Who is totally awesome. Then, Britt's friend's band is on. They're amazing. When she said they were good, I thought she meant like "yeah, they're okay for a local band," y'know? But they were just like...amazing. The whole time, I was sitting there, thinking, I was just hanging out with these guys. The singer has this...really strong voice...and all of them put together are just like...awesome.
They're not like...those teenage bands with their nervous voices/hands and two-minute songs. They play real music, nice music, something I would actually listen to.
I just thought I'd let you know where I'll be every Tuesday night at ten.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hi again...
I am twenty years old. Born on October 30th.
Live about a half hour outside of Boston.
Currently not going to school, though I'd like to take some classes at this place my dad went to.
I am the oldest of three. I have a brother(Matthew, 12) and a sister(Ashley, 16). My dad lives in North Carolina with his girlfriend and her son and my brother. I live with my sister and mom....and other mom/boss(Cherie) and her daughter(Brittany). My mom's entire family is from/lives in Brazil.
My boyfriend, Jeremy, and I have been together since September of 2006. He lives in the same town as I do,(and last summer, he pretty much moved into my house). He goes to school at RIT. Yeah, Rochester Institute of Technology, six and a half hours away. He just finished his second year there. It sucks, being so far apart, but somehow, we manage to do our thing. He's smart and tall.
I work at a home office(in my house), and at a jewelry store & kiosk. The office is for the store & kiosk. Cherie is the owner of those stores. I grew up being bestest friends with her daughter, we lived down the hall from each other in an apartment building. Cherie is pretty much my "other mother" and we're all just one big happy-ish family.
How could I almost forget! I have a beautiful kittne named Ethyl. She's almost a year and nine months. Jeremy adopted her for me...Christmas before last.
There are also three other kitties living here. Suki, Zoe, Zuni...they're all Cherie and Brittany's.

That's pretty much the general...situation

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First Post...

Hi. My name is Tabby. This is my blog. :)

It's where I'll talk about...almost everything.

(My next entry will be about me and...who I am.)


Posted by ShoZu