Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hi again...
I am twenty years old. Born on October 30th.
Live about a half hour outside of Boston.
Currently not going to school, though I'd like to take some classes at this place my dad went to.
I am the oldest of three. I have a brother(Matthew, 12) and a sister(Ashley, 16). My dad lives in North Carolina with his girlfriend and her son and my brother. I live with my sister and mom....and other mom/boss(Cherie) and her daughter(Brittany). My mom's entire family is from/lives in Brazil.
My boyfriend, Jeremy, and I have been together since September of 2006. He lives in the same town as I do,(and last summer, he pretty much moved into my house). He goes to school at RIT. Yeah, Rochester Institute of Technology, six and a half hours away. He just finished his second year there. It sucks, being so far apart, but somehow, we manage to do our thing. He's smart and tall.
I work at a home office(in my house), and at a jewelry store & kiosk. The office is for the store & kiosk. Cherie is the owner of those stores. I grew up being bestest friends with her daughter, we lived down the hall from each other in an apartment building. Cherie is pretty much my "other mother" and we're all just one big happy-ish family.
How could I almost forget! I have a beautiful kittne named Ethyl. She's almost a year and nine months. Jeremy adopted her for me...Christmas before last.
There are also three other kitties living here. Suki, Zoe, Zuni...they're all Cherie and Brittany's.

That's pretty much the general...situation

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